Friday, October 2, 2009

Kerinci's earthquake damages thousands of buildings

The Kerinci regency chapter of Coordination Boards for Disaster Mitigation (Satkorlak) in Jambi province reported Friday that the 7.0-magnitude earthquake which jolted the area on Thursday had killed one person, injured 12, and damaged more than 1,100 buildings.

Of the number, about 500 buildings were destroyed and almost flattened to the ground, including three mosques, 15 elementary schools, two senior high schools, and three junior high schools.

Thousands of Kerinci residents were still staying under tents, due to their houses being damaged or fear of another earthquake.

The Jambi provincial administration has sent three trucks of aid for the victims, including blankets, tents, drugs, and foods, Muhammad Taufik, a spokesman for the administration, said.

The whole regency was still in blackout while rain fell constantly for the past two days.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

6 hours ago, At least 75 people

6 hours ago, At least 75 people are dead and thousands are trapped under rubble after a strong earthquake shook western Indonesia.

Buildings, including at least two hospitals, were brought down by the 7.6 magnitude quake, centred about 50km (30 miles) off the coast of Sumatra.

Officials say the death toll is expected to rise.

It comes hours after a tsunami from a separate quake killed more than 100 people in the South Pacific.

A tsunami watch issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in the wake of the Indonesian quake has been lifted.

Aid 'on the way'

The coastal city of Padang, capital of West Sumatra province, is among the areas hardest hit.

Gempa berkekuatan 7,6 SR mengguncang wilayah Sumatera Barat

Sebuah gempa berkekuatan besar mengguncang wilayah barat Indonesia pada Rabu (30/9) sore. Pascaterjadi gempa, Badan Metereologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMJG) mengeluarkan peringatan akan terjadinya tsunami.

Gempa paling dirasakan oleh masyarakat di daerah Padang, Sumatera Barat. Berdasar data yang dihimpun Metro TV, gempa telah merobohkan beberapa bangunan di kota tepi pantai Padang.

Gempa tersebut berkekuatan 7,6 skala richter dan dirasakan oleh penduduk yang berada sepanjang 50 kilomoter tepi laut Padang. Penduduk dilaporkan panik dan mulai meninggalkan rumah masing-masing. Dilaporkan bahwa getaran mungkin dirasakan oleh orang-orang yang berada di bangunan tingkat tinggi di Jakarta.

Diperingatkan akan bahaya terjadi tsunami di Samudera Hindia bagi penduduk Indonesia, Malaysia, India, dan Thailand, meskipun hingga berita diturunkan belum dilaporkan tanda-tanda peningkatan permukaan air laut